
Journey to Resolve
Resolution 1: Worship God Alone

  It’s July, a little late for resolutions, but it’s summer when many of us try to do something different, so here we go. Come with me on a journey to resolve. This is the beginning of a series that will keep us busy for several months. A series of resolutions toward which every Christian should strive. Since we’re in the Year 2024, these resolutions are drawn from every chapter 20, verse 24 of God’s Word – 15 total, 1 post at a time, in the order they appear in our Bibles. Here are the resolutions and Bible books. I will… 1.         Worship God Alone (Exodus) 2.         Be More Holy (Leviticus) 3.         Aim High (Numbers) 4.         Trust in God’s Strength (Judges) 5.         Nurture Quality Friendships (1 Samuel) 6.         Stand for God’s Government (2 Samuel) 7.         Follow God Through Highs and Lows (1 Kings) 8.         Let God Win My Battles (2 Chronicles) 9.         Rise Above the Naysayers (Job) 10.     Trust God’s Ways (Proverbs) 11.     Allow G

Boarding and Deboarding Noah's Ark
The Ride of Your Life!
(Episode 8: Jesus' Return)

  A new day is coming. Just like with Noah aboard the Ark who knew he would someday step onto dry land, everyday life will change. The sun will rise. Jesus will come again. The truth of God’s promise will ring clearly in the hearts of all people. All people!   This post is the final episode of an 8-episode series about boarding and deboarding Noah’s Ark. If you’re visiting this series for the first time, you should start at Episode 1: The Story of Our Lives and set aside time to read all 8 episodes. Otherwise, sit back and experience the final episode.   Episode 8: Jesus’ Return Do we believe Jesus will come again? His return is not good news for everybody. He will come to bring home those who trust Him as Savior and Lord, but He will also later judge and punish those who do not. This isn’t an arbitrary topic in this series. Noah and the Flood are mentioned in 3 of the Bible passages about Jesus’ return ( Matthew 24 , Luke 1

Boarding and Deboarding Noah's Ark
The Ride of Your Life!
(Episode 7: Victory Over Death)

  No survivors. If you weren’t on the ark, you didn’t survive. It’s the unfortunate truth. We have an ark today. Jesus built it with His life and it is life-giving. Think of it as the cross. In the past 6 episodes, we have seen how Noah’s Ark is the ride of our lives because the true story from ancient times is the same story for us today. Come to the cross. The door is open. Step aboard the Ark and live.   This post is Episode 7 of an 8-episode series about boarding and deboarding Noah’s Ark. If you’re visiting this series for the first time, you should start at Episode 1: The Story of Our Lives . Otherwise, sit back and experience Episode 7 .   Episode 7: Victory Over Death   As I mentioned in Episode 6 , Noah’s story didn’t end when his son found him naked and drunk. His other sons covered him through an act of honor and forgiveness and his story is remembered even today as a reminder of God’s judgment upon the unrighteous and His promise to all life . Noah himself is r