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Atop a mountain a curved concrete path circles it's way toward a cross that stands high above everything else against a clear blue sky
(July 2024)

Journey to Resolve: Worship God Alone. God is present and jealous. He wants to be our One and Only.

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    Featured Blog Posts

    • Noah's Ark! See how it represents the ride of our lives (8 post series)
    • I Had COVID19 An interview with a friend who had COVID19

    • Shaking Ground Why has God shaken us up?

    • Noah's Ark mini-series - 8 episodes start here

    • Honoring Authority within God's Big Picture
    • Animal Instincts Trilogy 

    My Books

    • 12 Answers that Rock this World: Exploring Jesus’ World View through the Concern and Curiosity of the Disciples 

    • Resurrecting Grace: A Bible Study Series on the Grace of Salvation 

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