Good News!
Here you will find illustrations and explanations about what Jesus has done for us:
His sacrifice in...
- Leaving His heavenly home for us
- Living His life to die for us on the cross
- Conquering death and the grave so we can have everlasting life
- Preparing our heavenly home
This is the gospel in a nutshell:
3. God's Son Jesus satisfied the penalty of our sins by giving His life (Romans 5:8).
4. Jesus rose from His grave and defeated death (John 11:25).
5. Jesus is Lord of all and Lord of our lives (Romans 14:8-9).
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world,
but to save the world through him.
(June 2024)
The final episode of an 8-part limited series about Noah's Ark and why it's the ride of our lives. Jesus will return. It is the decisive truth.
The Ride of Your Life!
(March 2024)
Episode 7 of an 8-part limited series about Noah's Ark and why it's the ride of our lives. God offers life! Step aboard. Come to the cross.
(December 2023)
Episode 6 of an 8-part limited series about Noah's Ark and why it's the ride of our lives. God cares about life - animal life and especially human life.
(November 2023)
Episode 5 of an 8-part limited series about Noah's Ark and why it's the ride of our lives. God has never-ending compassion for all people in all generations.
(August 2023)
Episode 4 of an 8-part limited series about Noah's Ark and why it's the ride of our lives. Noah worshiped in a way that pleased God. How can we do the same?
(June 2023)
Episode 3 of an 8-part limited series about Noah's Ark and why it's the ride of our lives. We are not islands unto ourselves, but we can be lifelines through our faith.

The Ride of Your Life!
(April 2023)
Episode 1 of an 8-part limited series about Noah's Ark and why it's the ride of our lives.God is waiting for some to board and the rest of us to deboard.
Jesus (January 2023)
Jesus. Who is He? Who is He to you and me? Why is He important? A look back at the Jesus of Christmas.
Trust Jesus. It's Time. (September 2021)
God saved me. If He hadn't, I may have missed out on the best gift ever. This is a FOMO that truly matters.
The narrow gate is the way to life. JESUS is the Narrow Gate and He welcomes us in where we will find unimaginable blessings.
"We don’t need to let the grip of despair or defeat drag us down. When we place our trust in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, we will be free to live with our heads up and our strides surefooted."
Stone Cold Truth About the Grave, Grace, and Honor (January 2018)
Will we bury the truth of Jesus in a forever grave? He rose from His grave to offer us life.
The good new of Jesus' love. He never let's go.
God's loving arms illustrated by the sacrifice of a bridge tender.
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