Dig Deeper, Draw Nearer, Grow Fonder

That’s my son with me in the picture. My hope for him is that he will continually: 1. Dig deeper into the study of God's Word 2. Draw nearer to God with more understanding 3. Grow fonder of God as you see His truth unfold Dig deeper. Draw nearer. Grow fonder. That’s my slogan. It is my aim and my writing will reflect that. Why? It is the path God designed for me. As a small group Bible study leader, my role is to lead people to increasingly grow fond of God. We grow fonder when we understand Him and realize how much He is involved in our lives. Dig Deeper. It goes without saying: the more our heart is in it (Bible study), the more we gain. How much we learn and understand depends on how deep we dig. I read the Bible nearly every day. Regular Bible reading is necessary for spiritual growth, and doing so daily offers an invaluable collection of knowledge and insight. Add to th...