Align with God
(Post 4 of 5)

What would happen if the pilots of the United States Navy Blue Angels fail to follow the command of their Flight Leader? I will not venture a guess, but the gaze from onlookers would shift form admiration to disillusionment. Falling short of the teamwork and professionalism we expect of each pilot, the United States Navy and MarineCorps could lose credibility. Their reputation of excellence could be replaced by irreverence. Accidents do happen, but we don’t expect them from these ranking officers of the US Navy and Marine Corps who each tallied at least 1250 hours of flight experience. People across the globe have witnessed their competency as they blaze at speeds up to 700 mph during an air show and buzz as close as 18” between wings. The role of the Flight Leader is critical and it demands precision from each team member. The slightest error can be devastating. Following the direction of God as our Flight Leader should also demand excelle...