Freedom: Unleashed for a New Master (Animal Instinct Trilogy, Part 1)

Patrick Henry had the right idea when he stood before the Virginia Convention and said , “Give me liberty or give me death.” He wanted freedom, but not just freedom from British rule. He wanted freedom to be an American, freedom for his countrymen to write their own history. He knew that living under British rule was not really living at all. The same was true for Coco… [Note: This is Part 1 of a 3-part trilogy that includes some extraordinary but true animal stories and offers insight into some of our human tendencies, a.k.a., animal instincts. ] A true story about a dog named Coco In January 2013, 4-year-old Coco, a gray and white poodle, entered the doors of the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals . His coat was so severely matted that he couldn’t lift his head. But even more shocking were 2 other problems: A 6-foot long wire was wrapped around his entire body His collar was embedded into his skin, including his name tag He was...